Monday, August 22, 2016



  1. The first day of school was fun and exciting. It was hard to get used to but now i got the hang of it. i got to meet new people.

  2. My first day at Rio Norte was really exciting and enjoyable. But i am glad that we don't have to do all of our classes like that everyday. I like that we only have three and we swich off. But other that that i really enjoyed my first day and i met a lot of new people, and i saw some old friends of mine.

  3. my first day was pretty cool it was easy finding everything because my classes are either C or D besides my home room which is close to my regular classes, its hard waking up at 6:30 every morning

  4. On my fist day at Rio Norte i was really nervous because I did not have any friends. But it went well because i did not get lost for any of my classes. But then I got to know some people an I got to be friends with them so it was cool and then the day ended and I was glad

  5. I thought the first day of school at Rio Norte was very fun and exciting.I'm very excited for the rest of the school year.

  6. It was pretty good, i got lost a lot.

  7. My first day of Rio Norte was very overwhelming, and it was very different from elementary school, which made me uncomfortable. I did love my teachers though, and it was an overall exciting day! Good luck to everyone this year!

  8. My first day at Rio was a little hectic but mostly enjoyable.

  9. my first day of Rio Norte was confusing.

  10. my first day at Rio Norte was fun but very nerve racking the only friends I knew was from my other school and now I'm a little bit afraid to meet new friends.In conclusion I'm sure that I will have a very good year here at Rio Norte.

  11. my first day at rio was full of excitement!

  12. My first day of Junior High was fun because finding our classes was kind of like a scavenger hunt. We got to meet all our teachers and meet up with friends we haven't seen all summer. It was all together a fun day.

  13. The first day at Rio was fun!

  14. My first day at Rio Norte was fun and exciting for me because I got to see my friends again and seeing the new rotations and teachers.

  15. Before I started attending Rio Norte I was very scared. I was scared my teacher's were going to be mean, the work would be very hard, and I wasn't going to fit in, but it was not like that. All my teacher's are nice, the work isn't too hard, and i fit in just right. I am glad I am attending Rio Norte Junior High.

  16. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be

  17. on the first day of school i felt small compared to some of the 8th graders and i felt a little confused about the block schedule

  18. The first day of school was okay, i guess. P.E. was fun-ish it was kind of boring

  19. on the first day of school i felt a bit nervous, but then i talked with my old friends, made some new ones, and felt at home.

  20. my first day at rio norte was very odd. was was super confused and a little intimidating when it came to the 8th graders. they are huge and they have every part of the lunch area. but me and my friends finally found a rare table with no 8th graders and its now claimed by us.

  21. the first day at rio was very odd. i had mixed emotions about the school and about block schedule. some of the eighth graders are pretty intimidating but im used to it now.

  22. on the first day of school I felt a little nervous

  23. On the first day of I felt nervous and excited. I was scared to get lost trying to find my class and i would walk into a different class on mistake. But i was able to find all of my classes and felt good when the first day was over.

  24. On the first day of school i felt a little nervous but i now feel more confident

  25. I was really nervous on my first day, but I figured out where to go and where all of my classes were.

  26. I was nervous at first to go to Rio, being my first year and all, but it's actually not that difficult and I love it here!

  27. I felt nervous and excited.

  28. My first day at Rio Norte, was really exciting, and i met a bunch of new friends in some of my classes. Also, the day goes by a lot faster since we don't go to all of our classes

  29. my first day of school was great, although I got very lost in the morning.

  30. my first day at rio was fun and i am excited for the rest of the year!

  31. The first day of school was scary,but when i finally got to know my teachers and school it got easy for me.

  32. On my first day here I was very nervous like most kids. When I stepped in and took a deep breath then said to myself "A new life start's here." When I finished my first day I was not nervous any more.

  33. my first day at rio was fun and i am excited for the rest of the year

  34. On my first day of school I was really excited to meet my teachers and some new friends.

  35. My first day at rio was fun

  36. On the first day of school I was really excited to meet my new teachers and some new friends.

  37. Gabriel Castillo-LozanoAugust 22, 2016 at 11:28 AM

    On my first day of school I was very nervous, but by the end of the day I didn't feel nervous at all because their really wasn't a reason to feel nervous because all of my teachers were very nice.

  38. Before school started I was worried that I would get lost and be late to all my classes and not be able to find any of my friends. However, I was super early to all my classes and at brunch and lunch I was able to find all my friends easily because we had worked out a meeting place. I was also super glad to find out that Zambezi has really nice teachers, (like Mrs. Mandel :)), and the fun field trip team.

  39. hurh hurh math class

  40. hey math class hows math?

  41. hurrh hurrh math classssss!!!!!!

  42. hey math biddies hows math

  43. the first at a new school at first it was kind easy you get to know teachers and other students from different schools and get to know them better and going to the different classes and learning about the teachers and rio norte would be my new school and get used to it.

  44. on the first day of school I was excited to see my friend.

  45. Thoren James QuintanillaAugust 22, 2016 at 11:40 AM

    When I first started school i worryed that I wouldn't find all my class since everyone has to walk to the classes that are all mixed up places.

  46. my first day at rio was magical. I had a great time with my bff emmy. I am so happy to be here.

  47. When I first started school I was scared that I would be late for one of my classes.

  48. On the first day of school I was scared but excited :)

  49. Good stuff, very good stuff. Good teachers, good people, good food, good campus, good party, classrooms. Good stuff, very good stuff. =D

  50. On the first day I was scared but excited :)

  51. My first day in Rio Norte was a fun, Exciting, and great first day of school.

  52. on the 1st day school i almost got lost :)

  53. It was a nervous day. But it was awesome.

  54. My first day at Rio Norte was fun and the school day went by fast. All my teachers are nice and I enjoy being able to use our phones during breaks! I had an amazing and awesome first day!!

  55. I loved my first day at Rio. Changing and moving around to classes made it really fun. My friends and I loved using our phones at brunch and lunch and the day went by very fast!

  56. My first day at Rio was great! I met so many new friends here!

  57. My first day of school was very fun. It was fun seeing my friends again and meeting some new people. I also liked meeting all my new teachers.

  58. My first day was fun but i was nervous

  59. I liked the first day of school because I met all my teachers and it was exiting to see all the new students. All the teachers are very caring. My first day at Rio Norte was awesome!

  60. I really enjoyed the first day. I liked reuniting with my friends and meeting all of my new teachers :)

  61. The first day was good. I want braces

  62. seventh isn't as confusing as i thought it would be! :) I am excited for the rest of the year here!

  63. seventh isn't as confusing as i thought it would be! :) I am excited for the rest of the year here!

  64. on the first day of school i was really excited and nervous. it was so good to see my friends i haven't seen all summer. i was a little lost, but i made it. i didn't like having all my classes in 1 day but i was glad they weren't very long.

  65. Had an amazing first day of school! It was exciting meeting new people and being with my friends!

  66. I had such an amazing first day at Rio!At first I got lost but they the nice and friendly teacher helped me find my way around.

  67. My first day at Rio Norte was stressful at first then I got the hang of it with friends by my side.

  68. I love this class! On the first day of school I had the best time thanks to this class! I'm so happy that I've made a lot of friends in this class!

  69. Eh,mostly I was looking for my friends and it was a huge havoc for me trying to find my classes.

  70. My first day at Rio Norte was a little crazy,but 8th graders helped me find all the class rooms I needed to go to.

  71. The first day of school was ok, not that it was bad. It was a whole new experience to all of the 7th graders.It was nice to see all of the friends i haven't seen in a few months. Jr. High is much different from middle school for several reasons. One, transitioning between classes, two, meeting many new people, and three learning new things. Although, all of these were good and fun experiences. It is also very cool how we are able to use our phones. It allows us to socialize with other people we may not know. It also is something to do when you get bored. Rio Norte is a very fun school with many awesome teachers (like Mrs.Mandel), all of the teachers are very helpful and are also very kind. One of the best parts about Rio Norte, is the dances. Even though there has only been one dance. It was very fun and i can't wait for the others to come. One of my favorite things about this school are the electives, the electives allow a fun and educational break that many students enjoy. My elective, is the 3d printing elective, it allows students to design objects that they imagined in their mind. If the 3d design program we use sounds fun, the best part is that we can bring our objects to life with the amazing and state of the ark 3d printers. It allows you to imagine anything and bring it to life. So in conclusion, Rio Norte is an awesome school and a school that I enjoy very much.

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  72. i love it at rio its so fun and teachers made me get used to the school i enjoy this school very much FREEDOM

  73. the first day at rio was pretty cool but i almost got lost. this year's gonna be fun.

  74. The first day was very hectic but more a less, fun. It was stressful trying to ask basically every teacher where a classroom is. Other than that is was the most fun I've had in a long time!

  75. My first few days here at Rio have been amazing and I love all of my teachers and classes! :)

  76. My first day at Rio was scary at first but i got over it. The teachers and students made my feel welcomed. At the end of the day i didn't know why i was scared. I am glad to be a riverhawk.

  77. My first day at Rio was fun and exciting. I got to met all of my teachers and used the block schedule for the first time.I like the fact that I don't have the same teacher all day.Over, I am excited for my first year at Rio Norte Jr. High:)

  78. My first day was pretty nice. Though I didn't know what to do for the majority of the time, it was worth it. I got to see familiar faces and also some old Kindergarten friends back at Tesoro :)

  79. The first day at Rio was really fun. I got to meet new teachers and friends.

  80. on my first day at Rio i was a little nervous and confused about some things.

  81. My first day at Rio Norte was great. I enjoyed reuniting with all of my friends and finding out what teams my friends were on. I loved meeting all of my teachers and getting to know them. On my first day, I got the hang of my schedule and knew where to go so I didn't get lost. (thankfully) I really enjoyed my first day at Rio Norte and I hope to have a great rest of the year in 7th grade.

  82. The first day was horrible! Waking up at 5:30, scrambling to find all the classes. But over all the people were very nice there especially the teachers. They were always willing to help you.

  83. The first day at RIo Norte was very confusing but free and fun :)

  84. I went to the wrong room when trying to go to 7th Grade Seminar. It turns out I was sitting in an 8th grade history class for 15 minutes. I just remember being confused why there weren't any 7th graders there. Then I looked back at my schedule and realized I was in the wrong room. I walked up to the teacher, said I was in the wrong room, and left.

  85. I really like the freedom of rio. ON the first day of school I was so scared, but now I'm used to it.

  86. So far I've had so much fun at Rio Norte, and I love all my teachers.

    BTW Zambezi is the best team. :P

  87. I was nervous on the first day of school, but really excited that I got Digital Art for an elective!!! It was fun and I met new people and teachers, and I'm getting use to the block schedule now!

  88. My first day of Rio was amazing! I was very nervous about the block schedule, but everything turned out to go very smoothly.

  89. I really like the freedom that you get during brunch and lunch. At my elementary school, we had assigned seating so we didn't get the chance to talk to any of our friends that were in different classes. The teachers here are very nice and sweet. I am pretty sure I will love all of the activities that we are going to be doing throughout the year. In conclusion, I'm really excited for this new year of Middle School to start!

  90. My first day of Rio was fun, even though I got lost at times. I was very excited to meet all of my teachers.

  91. the first day of school was the best

  92. the first day of school was cool

  93. My first day of school was great! No one new me so i had a fresh start for the school year! Also i already had practice with moving from class to class in burbank!

  94. My first day of school was fun and was not what i expected. I was lucky and everyone was nice to me.

  95. I was not happy that I had to go to each class on the first day because I had not learned the campus very well, but once I found out where everything was and how to find my friends, I liked the school a lot more.

  96. my first day was a little shakey but at the same time it was exciting

  97. I really enjoy rio the teachers made it really fun for me and i already became used to this school im really excited for the future in rio

  98. rio norte is cool

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May 30 - Last Day of School Activities