Monday, November 16, 2015

AM7 - November 16

Click on the videos below for a review of properties:

Here is a link to a practice quiz.  Additive and Multiplicative Inverse will not be on our quiz.  But the Zero Property will.  The Zero Property is when you multiply something by 0.
For example, 9(0) = 0 or d(0) = 0.
Here is a link to the answers.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Math 7

Today's VERY important notes can be printed by clicking here.

This is pretty far away so you can bet there will be a homework quiz in the very near future (hint, hint).  Have all of your homework, notes, warm-ups, and book with you each class.

Click here for another copy of tonight's homework.

AM7-November 5

Math 7 - March 28

Click here for protractor practice. Click here for the triangle notes (INB 81). Watch the video below for today's lesson.