Saturday, August 25, 2012


Welcome to Team Zambezi's math page.  My name is Mitzi Mandel and I will be taking over for Ms. Smith.  I have already met most of the students and I'm so excited to start working with such a great group of kids!  I will be adding valuable information to this website such as calendars, homework, handouts and notes.  It will soon become the go-to place for your math class.

A little about me...I have lived in Santa Clarita my entire life.  I went to Placerita Junior High and Hart High Schools.  I have a BS in Mathematics and an M.Ed in Secondary Education both from UCLA.  I taught for 11 years (10 of those at Arroyo Seco Junior High) before staying home with my three children.  They are now 8, 10, and 12 and I am ready to be back in the classroom!  It's so crazy to have a seventh grader of my own after teaching that grade for so many years.  My husband is also a teacher and so are both of my brothers and their wives - all in the Hart District.

my family
my kids with their cousins
my kitties
 the entire Burrill/Mandel teaching family

Math 7 - March 28

Click here for protractor practice. Click here for the triangle notes (INB 81). Watch the video below for today's lesson.